Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Become Yourself

The key process of self development is to know yourself. This applies not only to success in your career, but also in many other areas of life, including family, social, and spiritual. By identifying yourself, someone knows what should be a goal in life. He was aware of the capabilities and talents and know how to use it to achieve that goal. Thus he is more able to find meaning and fullness of life.

Answer me honestly, do you really know yourself?

There are many methods of self-knowledge. One way is to fill the questionnaire. Whatever the method chosen, the demand is essentially a person must be honest with himself. Take the example of light, many people are not honest when filling out questionnaires about themselves, even more so when the results of the questionnaires were assessed by the other party. They think by writing answers to the ideal, they will get a good assessment, although they're kidding themselves, who actually fail the process of self development. The main reason is because many people are acting to meet the expectations of others. Dishonesty and inability to be what makes them not be there themselves.

Are you honest with yourself?

Often be true to yourself is painful. Many people feel stuck in a career. They consider others and the environment as a source of failure. They deny that the cause in fact come from within themselves. On the other hand, too often people are not able to be honest with yourself for one to understand the success that is being grabbed. Many people had then thought was capable of anything. They develop both his arms wide and expect to succeed in all things. They do not want to admit that there are limits which can not be passed. True to oneself is willing to accept things as is. Knowing yourself is to learn to assess and understand ourselves with clear mind without being burdened with prejudices, hopes, fears and other feelings.

Will you forgive everything that has happened, and accept as is with the heart field?

Self-knowledge is not merely to recognize the name, address, age, and nothing contained in curiculum vitae. Knowing yourself is a process and reciprocal relationship between a person with himself. In everyday life, people are accustomed to dealing with others. They developed various ways of effective communication with others to achieve goals. Likewise, learning to know yourself, one must develop a good mutual communication with itself. They must cultivate the ability to see and hear what was said by himself to be able to understand it properly. This process is a skill that must be continually honed. Always feels heavy at first, because before the act a person must first communicate with himself, "if this is something that is right for me? whether this is truly a desire me? "In other words the process of self-knowledge is the process of raising awareness. And, the hardest part of this process is learning to discipline.

Are you able to perform self-discipline?

One form of discipline that led to the introduction of self is closely observing self - watching every feeling, thought, hope, desire, joy, etc. that occur within ourselves. The spiritualists used to do this by meditating, Khushuu ', a moment of silence, or any other term. This observation is more calm awareness, which is able to see clearly the thoughts and feelings going on, abilities, talents and skills possessed, the power and opportunity to use all the thoughts, feelings, abilities, talents and skills to the best career life . This self-observation can be made at any time while doing everyday activities. Precisely in the daily activities that a person the opportunity to realize how much turmoil the mind, feelings that come up in turns.

Are you willing to become your own self?

Many people blur the meaning of a "self" with "own way". Be yourself through the process of self-knowledge is growing in developing self-control because he was a person must always walk on the potential conferred to him. In addition, many people become what other people say and think it suits him. Need to realize is that every person is different and unique. No one is equal. They were blessed with abilities, potential and talent Different human beda.Tugas is using it all for the betterment of life. Objective self-knowledge to know what is career development potentials, talents, abilities and skills that exist in themselves to be used for career advancement. In addition, self-knowledge will foster awareness and self-control, a form of emotional and spiritual development needed to accompany the step career progression.


Take time to spare, look for calm atmosphere. Prepare yourself to perform this operation. Perhaps this event will be held for 30 minutes or more. In carrying out these activities act like your life watching movies. Do not let your emotions get involved. Try to accept what has happened. If you intend to interpret what might have occurred in this activity, then suppose that there is nothing in vain, always aimed at, and is good for self-development.

1. Take a piece of paper, write down the name, place and date of birth, and your other personal data that you ought to know. Can you recognize yourself through the data you write yourself while releasing all the hopes, fears and anxieties that may have instilled in your mind? Can you see yourself through your data written to the perspective of a plain and simple? Do you realize how your personality usually wear in everyday life?
2. Now write down your employment history. You can start from the beginning or end. What is important is that you can see all your work history in their entirety. Maybe at the time of writing it, you think of the things that are fun or sad. Leave it alone. Once again, look at your work history records as simple as possible. But observe any emerging trends that issued the joy in your work.
3. Write down your education history, from childhood until now. Write down all the skills and the things what you've learned. Some may be increasingly refined. Others have forgotten. Look at the entire history of your education and teaching in their entirety. Notice any tendency to make your life enjoyable. Are you able to find any connection between your education with your current job?
4. Try to write the activities you are doing. Usually it is a fun activity and make life feel a passion. It can be a hobby, adventure, social organization, religion, art, sports, and others. Did you find the relationship between these activities with the job and your career now?
5. Look at yourself now as a whole, again with the view that plain and simple (without being burdened by expectations about the future and regrets in the past), Can you find yourself now as a knot of threads of the past? Can you find the relationship of all this?

Walking on the potential and the talent itself is always associated with happiness and passion. If you are really doing something that fits with potential and talent, you will find joy and enormous energy. Activities on the only piece of alternative activities to identify potential points that trigger happiness in yourself (if now you could still feel the passion of your activities in the past, then it is a passion that comes from your own potential.) Certainly not enough five-point above activities to really know yourself, knowing yourself is an ongoing process - even until the end of life. But at least, with little by little uncovering what is inside, you'll find something this simple rule: that only by being themselves own a person finds his true happiness. And, self-development should aim to find true happiness herself, not others.


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